Month: February 2017


February 28, 2017

If it seems like the posts have dramatically slowed…. it does to me too.  Here’s the deal.  I’m doing everything I can to hold it all together.  Kids, driving, fixing the RV, visiting, touring, dog, eating….  By the time evening rolls around (when I do most of the writing) I’m already drooling on myself and…


February 24, 2017

After the day before (Day 1), we took the next day to regroup, fix the RV and relax.  There was a lot of iPad watching and I’m totally fine with that.  It was also stormy all day, so outside was not an attractive option for anyone (including the dog).  …And we sprung 3 new leaks….

It’s Going To Be Fine

February 21, 2017

I dropped off Scott at the airport and took a deep breath.  I did some of that Oprah motivational talking to myself. For the first time, I became Captain Traci. “You can do this.  It’s going to be fine.” By noon, we were sitting in the breakdown lane on Highway 45 in Houston.   By 1:00 pm…

Sexist Traci

February 20, 2017

In less than 24 hours I am going to be promoted to Captain of the Chief for one month.  This is a fairly big promotion.  I’d be lying if I didn’t say I’m a little nervous. Normally I’m the Navigator.  Why?  Because I’m 10000 times better at navigating than Scott.  (It’s all about the details!)…

Day 1 with Grandmom

February 19, 2017

Part-time Amator “Grandmom” has re-joined us.  Much like every other crazy adventure we drag her on, she’s “not too sure” about living in the Chief.  Her biggest concern is the bathroom situation.  Grandmom is an old school lady and she’s less-than-excited about accordion ‘doors’ and a decided lack of discretion.  But she’s here and she’ll…