Category: The Story of Us

Miles on Tires

March 10, 2017

Me to Scott, “What do you think about the tires?  I haven’t checked the pressure lately.”  Scott, “Should be fine.  Don’t worry about it.”  Me to Mom, “What do you think about the tires?  Scott checks the pressure and I don’t know….”  Mom, “They look fine but we should be able to find a truck…

Pato Blanco in AZ

March 9, 2017

Well, it finally happened: self-inflicted, embarrassing disaster. I’ve been diligent about going through my checklist before starting up and driving off.  I mean, really really good about it.  But we were just moving spots this morning and I was in a hurry and making sure the kids were seated…. and I drove off still attached to…

Heading West

March 8, 2017

Heading south (for the sun) and west (to California) we’ve been seeing some eclectic parts of New Mexico.  There’s some really out-there stuff in this State.  Prove it?  A town name Truth or Consequences.  Why would a town hold a contest to name it?  Weirdos. How about this horror movie gas station: I was desperate…

Spending Time With Edyne

March 7, 2017

The goal was to head out of San Antonio and hit Santa Fe to visit my maternal grandfather’s widow, Edyne.  This was our first major jump – 750 miles – without Scott.  San Antonio to Santa Fe.  We made it! I’m a big huge fan of Santa Fe.  It’s like a big sister to Sedona –…

Alien Encounters

March 3, 2017

Exactly what is to be expected from an alien abduction? “Subjectively real memories of being taken secretly against one’s will by apparently nonhuman entities and subjected to complex physical and psychological procedures.”  (Appelle, Stuart. “The Abduction Experience: A Critical Evaluation of Theory and Evidence”. Journal of UFO Studies, n.s. 6, 1995/96, pp. 29–78)  It lost me at…