Category: interesting

Science Time!

July 5, 2017

By all standards, we are currently living a totally 100% normal life.  Relatively speaking, this is fairly unusual for us.  We are all enjoying a proper summer in Maine. The indoctrination process starts young in Maine.  “Lobsters are interesting.  Lobsters are great.  Rack ’em and stack ’em, charge by weight!  Beware the claws.  Cockroaches of…

We’re in Maine!

June 28, 2017

We are decidedly running low on daily disasters.  I’m not gonna lie, it’s a little bit boring.  However, Scott and I are creating our own opportunities for regular problem solving, so it doesn’t actually feel too much different than flat tires and smoking engines. Grammie Denise and Grandpa Mike got a healthy dose of little people…

New York and Officer John Kennedy

June 20, 2017

With the embers in the engine finally out and the excitement of a 5-alarm fire dying down, we got back on the road.  We laughed and laughed.  No more challenging the universe, Traci.  The goal changed to pulling into Grandpa Mike and Grammie Denise’s in Massachusetts with no more misadventures.  That’s not entirely how the…

Fire In The Hole!

June 19, 2017

We’re within days of reaching home so I was waxing philosophic about our year.  Specifically, I’ve been having fun reliving the challenges we’ve had. We had engine trouble (that time when the alternator died and I thought we were going to, too, in Houston), brake trouble (when they caught on fire in Vermont), overheating issues (in…

One More Call to Good Sam

June 17, 2017

What did I not get to see that’s still on the list?  Oh, I have A LOT answers to that (I’ll start with all of Washington, Oregon and Idaho) but here’s one – the Corvette Museum in Bowling Green, KY.  If we hadn’t arrived so late, I would have insisted we pop over to see…