Category: Places


May 13, 2017

Right in the middle of necklace making, Jack took a bead that Evie wanted.  There were literally hundreds of the same beads at her finger tips.  She went full offensive.  She landed a fist on top of his head, a solid bop, and it looked like there was more fire power coming in behind it. …

I love gold stars!

May 7, 2017

DISCLAIMER: I may make a commission off of the links on this page. Total cost of the repairs in Watsonville: $800 and some change.  I think it was $350 for parts and the rest was labor.  They replaced the solenoid in the air compressor and fixed some lines that were sheered off due to improper…

Ups and Downs

May 4, 2017

We have now arrived at that part of the movie where morale is in a nosedive.  Normally we’re fairly immune to small disasters.  In fact, I generally find mishaps charming and funny.  However… we’ve taken one too many broadsides and we’re taking on water. Three days ago we were those people… the ones on the side…

Visiting Yosemite National Park

May 2, 2017

Yosemite National Park requires very few words.  The pictures do the talking.  It’s an incredible experience to be in the valley and look up at the grandness of it. Because of all the rain California received this year, they’ve had a lot of rock slides in Yosemite.  If you drive in the Rt 120 entrance,…

April Vacation & Nate’s Arrival

May 1, 2017

Every year Nate join us for either his February or April vacation.  This year we got April.  We hadn’t expected to be on the west coast by that time, but here we are. His arrival is always a big deal. Think ‘Paul McCartney’ big.  I mean, Scott and I look forward to it, of course.  But Evie…