Evelyn is wearing her Elsa heels around the campsite. We’re getting stared at here…. there’s serious judging going on. Doesn’t bother me, but I want to make sure that Rebecca knows. Becky…. you did this. I am not responsible for this.
Me to Scott, "What do you think about the tires? I haven't checked the pressure lately." Scott, "Should be fine. Don't worry about it." Me to Mom, "What do you think about the tires? Scott checks the pressure and I...
I'm not a movie person. We don't even have a TV in the Chief. We haven't seen an episode of a show in months (and if I was going to watch something, it would be season 6 of Game of...
Scott and I are 2 of the luckiest people alive. Seriously. Both of us, through luck and willpower, know what it feels like to have a deep passion about something we've worked on. Work was my first love. I named...