Author: Traci

Getting The Juice Going Again

October 5, 2017

An odd thing happens when you keep a blog.  Because I know people read it (all 10 of you!) or maybe because I’ve made a commitment to myself to document our life when I don’t write at least once a week (and even that is on the thin side), I start to feel bad.  When…

All Science All The Time

September 18, 2017

I’m not gonna lie, I’m actively trying to turn Evie and Jack into scientists.  (Nate doesn’t need to be guided, he’s clearly a natural engineer.  I may not consider myself to be a real engineer, but I have enough experience to know one when I see one.) If they don’t actually become scientists in the traditional…

It Was Fun Until She Met Her Mortal Enemy

September 12, 2017

Well, that didn’t last long. Evie enjoys school but… she now has a mortal enemy.  There is a kid she hates more than anything else she has ever hated (she’s only ever ‘hated’ some veggies and a bee that stung her “for no reason”).  Great.  Awesome.  Time to start mentorship in the valuable art of…

I Get How People Get Stuck

September 5, 2017

“I get how people get stuck in a place,” Scott said to me.  I laughed. Me too – I get it. Most people don’t consider having roots in a place ‘stuck’. Having ties and feeling safe are generally considered good things… a desirable side effect of participating in community and family life. Believe it or…

Eating Lifestyle

August 30, 2017

I’ve been rather candid about our desire/attempts to eat healthy.  I wouldn’t say anything has changed with respect to our desire, but something big has changed with respect to our motivation.  Money is now on the line.  A lot of it.  Buckle up. What lit the fire on our laziness? Remember that health ministry I…