Category: interesting

KY – Who Knew!?

September 2, 2016

We had never been to Kentucky before.  It wasn’t by design, it was just the result of opportunity (or lack thereof).  I didn’t have much in the way of expectations and I really thought we’d pop down, spend a great evening with one of Scott’s good friends from his MBA program (and his family) and…

Laundry Service

August 30, 2016

Ok Bogota – this one’s for you.  You and I were right.  I hate doing the laundry.  It’s been about 2 weeks on the road (so clearly I’m an expert).  So far I’ve had to do laundry twice.  I don’t like it. Here is my laundry cart: Here are my laundry helpers.  I choose to…

Smale Park

August 30, 2016

With a little time to kill in Cincinnati, we decided to hit up Smale Park. It was mentioned in several places as a nice afternoon outing.  That’s a huge understatement.  This place is awesome.  At this point we’re park connoisseurs (who ever would have guessed that would be in my future 10 years ago?!) and…

PA Update

August 24, 2016

Not sure where to start with this one.  So much has happened and I haven’t been writing as much as I should.  I’ll go back to entering PA.   This state has seriously tested our morale.  Right now we’re about an hour outside of WV and I can’t wait to get there.  Let me repeat…

NY Travel Update

August 24, 2016

Leaving Vermont we started looking for places of interest in NY.  I was thinking the Catskills when Scott mentioned he had a buddy “somewhere in NY” (super helpful).  He got in touch with Josh, Lauren  & fam and they offered us a place to boondock in Maryland, NY.  Perfect – but do better with naming…