I got to revisit one of my favorite places in Colombia this week. I hadn’t meant to set it up as my last trip outside of Bogota, but it just worked out that way. Two words: Monkey Island.
When I was young (naive/immature/hadn't traveled), I assumed homeschooled kids were weirdos. I'd only known 2 and they were being raised in the Jehovah's Witness religion. They had a unique way about them. I extrapolated that to all homeschoolers. To myself,...
It was all funny until it wasn't. I'm hardly an expert but these matters but it was fairly obvious these folks weren't high on life. Scott specifically asked me to shelf the D.A.R.E speech for the foreseeable future. When I...
The Magic The RV was prepped and ready to leave. Trailer attached, engine idling. Already 1 night longer at the campground than originally planned, serendipitously we had discovered some kindred spirits that we all really liked. And the campground was...