Month: September 2016

The Jefferson Expansion Monument

September 9, 2016

aka The St. Louis Arch.  Why the National Park Service didn’t just call it “The Arch” remains a mystery to me but either way – it’s pretty, it’s an experience and it’s something I have no intention of ever doing again (on account of my strongly developed dislike of heights).  I never say “fear of”…

Seriously? Again?

September 6, 2016

Here’s what you don’t want to hear, “He’s peeing again, Mommy.”  No good… just no good. There’s good news and there’s bad news.  The good news is that I’ve learned to trust my get when it comes to the RV.  Everything was so new and there have been plenty of times when I thought.. and…

There are Warts

September 5, 2016

We started off strong in Kentucky.  Over the last few days my balloon started losing air for it.  You guys know I’m fickle… it’s not a trait I’m proud to highlight but I don’t deny it either.  I’m prone to extreme feelings – when things are great they’re larger than life.  When things aren’t… we’re stuck in…

Mammoth Cave

September 3, 2016

This one is easy, click here Kidding – just kidding.  You all know I’m a super fan of Nat Geo.  That doesn’t mean I’m not going to tell it like I saw it. Mammoth Cave.  It was awesome.  I sound like such a cliche but I just have to… the national parks are the crown…


September 3, 2016

The kids and I were headed to Walmart yesterday to do groceries and pick up a few items.  We’d just settled into our new campground and Scott had some work to do.  The Walmart is literally 5 miles away and it’s a straight shot.  I didn’t think anything of it.  I wasn’t even planning to…