Oh my…. you guys…. oh my. It feels like we just made the big leagues. Ok, maybe not the big big leagues. It’s possible we made the amateur leagues… or at least division A college level. Whatever. We’re on a roster. We got put on a list. One of the blogs I follow puts out something called Blogroll – Fulltime RV Families – The most up-to-date blogroll of fulltime RVing families anywhere. Period. I didn’t think much of it (or rather, anything about it because I hadn’t read it yet because I was at work) until I got home and Scott said, “Hey, we made the Ditching Suburbia list”! What? How? We made a list? Put together by people we don’t know? Someone apart from our parents and VIPs is aware that we exist? Well… this is different. It’s at once thrilling and absolutely terrifying. What if someone else reads the blog? It didn’t really dawn on me that people we don’t know might read the blog. Hey – if you’re reading this and I don’t know you, I’m Traci. Welcome to the blog.
So…. here we go. We’re on a list. This is happening. Good thing I’m a nudie cause it sure does feels exposed.
I sent a quick note to Ditching Suburbia to make sure it was ok to tell you guys we’re on their list and to use their logo for this post. Here’s the email:
Hey there –
This is Traci from The Amators Adventure Club. Scott and I just noticed that we’re on your list of full time family blogs. Just so you know, that’s kind of awesome and totally unexpected. Thank you for adding us. I just started the blog a couple of weeks ago in preparation for our July departure. I was wondering if would be ok to write a quick blog post about being added to your list? If so, do you mind if I include your logo? It’s highly likely the only people who will see it will be our parents and a couple of random friends…. so don’t expect to get a big a spike in readership. But nonetheless, I’d like the share the good news with them. Wanted to confirm with you guys that it’s ok first though…. you know… don’t want to be the new dumb folks who break ranks from acceptable etiquette.
Thanks again!!
We’re found. I’d better actually write something interesting now (and work on my grammar).