Prentice Park, WI

“I love rest areas,” said no one, ever. But dang if we didn’t find one that’s worth a shout out. Is there someplace that collects the Best of Rest Areas? A connoisseur of highway turn outs? If so, I heartily nominate Prentice Park in Wisconsin.

Two days before finding the rest area Scott said to me, “Babe, they have 2 appointments. One is in 2 days, the other is in a week. I told them I’d call back. I’m thinking we’ll take the one in a week.”

Our tires were wearing unevenly. We didn’t know why. Some minor league internet research pointed to bad bearings (maybe), so that’s where we started. Knowing that we had friends in Duluth and a place to hang out hat for a day or 2, we started making plans.

Me {not at all composed, maybe borderline demanding}, “Ummmmm, no. Call them back. 2 days. It has to be in 2 days. Babe… we’re running out of time. We have to get to Glacier so we can get to Vancouver so we can get back into the Pacific Northwest so we can get south before it gets cold.” Scott is used to these completely unrealistic, wild itineraries.

Scott {calmly}, “Babe, we don’t have a time line. We can get there when we get there.”

I’ve heard this before – the first time around. I wouldn’t change a thing about how we discovered Utah and California in ’15/’16. Nevertheless, I have a VIP in Vancouver that I want to introduce to my little family. We’re behind the 8 ball now… we left late and it takes us awhile to get anywhere. We needed that early appointment.

Scott called and the tire store was able to get us in a day later. Ok, 3 days to cross the UP and get to Duluth. We got this. (Most normal people could do it in a day or less. We required at least 3.)

Because of my ability to get shit done (and a touch of bullish-ness) we ended up arriving for our appointment a touch early. That’s how we happened to stop at the most interesting little rest area on Lake Superior.

This rest area puts all other rest areas to shame. We’re suckers for playgrounds, historic anything, a beach, clean bathrooms, dog friendly and generally well-kept grounds. This one has everything. Way to go, Wisconsin. You win in the categories of cheese and rest areas.

To you, the person or people who look after Rest Area WisDOT #23, I say, “Job well done! Cheers.”

If you happen to be in the area, stop by this grid (46.665970, -91.998135). It’s worth it. The playground is excellent. The old time cabin and history lesson are super cool. Who doesn’t want free artesian drinking water?! And oh by the way, if it’s hot, you can go swimming.

The things you find on the road….


Categories: interesting