Category: interesting

Biosphere 2

Back Again Scott’s been on me lately.  “Why have you stopped writing… again?”  That makes me happy.  He likes the blog.  So do I.  Here’s the thing, we’re homeschooling, traveling far too much (I still overestimate how much can be done in a day) and we’re trying to build a company from scratch in a...

Categories: interesting

Chemistry On The Road

The national parks give us all sorts of great science activities on the road. However, those activities don’t usually involve the branch of science closest to my heart: Chemistry. (Yes, I know it’s supposed to be physics, such is life). Consequently, I make sure I supplement whenever possible. We aren’t blowing things up yet (simmer...

Categories: interesting

Hidden Lake, Logan’s Pass, GNP

We learn from our mistakes. During hours that are normally reserved for ‘waking up’ and ‘eating breakfast’, we got up and got going. Taking the free shuttle from the visitor center closest to our camp up to Logan Pass, we didn’t have to worry about parking. We finally got to do our Logan Pass hike...

Categories: interesting

Goose Island Overlook, Western Glacier

I actually took these photos… myself… with my camera. No, I did not steal them from National Geographic… although they look like I might have, right?! Since Glacier is so big we didn’t expect to make it to the most eastern entrance but it seemed like the easiest route home after our Jackson Glacier Overlook...

Categories: interesting

Jackson Glacier Overlook

Since I’m infamous for my total lack of planning, it should come as no surprise that sometimes things don’t work out exactly as expected. That’s the fun part. Glacier Park is famous for a few things – Going to the Sun Road, Logan Pass, bears, etc. We decided, on a whim, to pop up to...

Categories: interesting