Category: RV Info

technical details of the RV


If it seems like the posts have dramatically slowed…. it does to me too.  Here’s the deal.  I’m doing everything I can to hold it all together.  Kids, driving, fixing the RV, visiting, touring, dog, eating….  By the time evening rolls around (when I do most of the writing) I’m already drooling on myself and...

It’s Going To Be Fine

I dropped off Scott at the airport and took a deep breath.  I did some of that Oprah motivational talking to myself. For the first time, I became Captain Traci. “You can do this.  It’s going to be fine.” By noon, we were sitting in the breakdown lane on Highway 45 in Houston.   By 1:00 pm...

Must Have’s – Kitchen

“How do you possibly live with a kitchen the size of a Kleenex box?  I couldn’t do it.” It’s our funny version of groundhog day.  The orange word changes, but everything else about the question stays the same.  Happens every… single… day… I love this question.  I love having the door opened to talk about...

10693 Miles in 3 Months at 5.3 Miles/Gallon

“If I wanted to… emphasis on IF…. what would it cost to me live in an RV for 3 months?!” If you’re not already full-time (and I know all 6 of you…. so I know you’re not) could this be something you might choose to do?  Or are Scott and I just irresponsible millionaires and only we...