Category: Places

4th of July 2017

What do you do in Maine just before the 4th of July?  Go strawberry picking.  After having been in California, I get that this may not seem as exciting to our west coast brothers and sisters.  Out there fruit seems to be perpetually available – ripe and delicious (although… like everything else in California… not...


Evie is single-handedly bringing back a dying art… handwritten letters through the U.S. Postal service.  Our local post office is thrilled with the increase in production (and the spike in stamp purchases).  She’s got her name down pretty well… and hearts.  She also often draws pictures and I add the stories that go with them....

We’re in Maine!

We are decidedly running low on daily disasters.  I’m not gonna lie, it’s a little bit boring.  However, Scott and I are creating our own opportunities for regular problem solving, so it doesn’t actually feel too much different than flat tires and smoking engines. Grammie Denise and Grandpa Mike got a healthy dose of little people...