Category: Affiliate

Monument Valley

In order to see Antelope Canyon, I routed us through Denver thinking that surely the weather would be good by mid-May.  As we were heading in that direction, they got 3 feet of snow.  Fluke.  I wasn’t worried. One of the unexpected benefits of this route was a trip through Monument Valley, AZ and/or UT...

Cliff Dwelling

Navajo National Monument is located on Navajo Nation in northern Arizona.  It’s home to several cliff dwellings created by the First People.  I would have traveled out of way to see one but, as it turns out, the RV was parked about 1.5 miles from Ledge House (Bitátʼahkin) .  How’s that for good karma? The Sandal Trail is a...

Antelope Canyon

Now that we’re on the final swing through the U.S., I’m more inclined to see just a few more “would be nice” items on our list.  Antelope Canyon.  I didn’t know it by name, but I knew it by pictures.  Same for Scott. I knew the canyon was somewhere near the Grand Canyon, so I...

Thank You

I just got my first check from Amazon.  This blog is officially earning money.  We are monetized.  Pinch me. I made…. $27.23. It’s not how much, it’s that we went from none to some.  It’s the pride of actually earning a few pennies to rub together.  I’m genuinely excited to get the check.  I also...

The Night After Boondocking: Our Daily Life

Boondocking.  How did we live without this for so long?!  Call it whatever you like, dry camping, free camping, dispersed camping, primitive camping (or Wally-docking if you’re at a Walmart), it’s fantastic! FREE nights away from people courtesy of The People.  Sincerely, thank you tax payers of America (including ourselves).  National Forests ROCK (I’m feeling...