Getting Ready

This is the week before the bitter end.  We’re moving “home” from Colombia at the end of next week.  This is a tough one.  On the one hand, we’re about to start an adventure that we’ve been dreaming about for more than 5 years.  Scott crafted his company such that it could accommodate this trip.  I’m leaving work for a year to do it.  We’ve sold a good amount of our belongings and Scott has flown to the US twice to find the right RV.  It’s been a lot of time investment – and worth every single minute.  The giddiness is palpable.  Even Scott, “Mr I Don’t Feel Anticipation”, has succumbed.  This is the right path and we’re committed to it 100%.















But that doesn’t mean we aren’t feeling the sadness too.

We’ve come to love Colombia.  We love the raw passion of the place.  There are so few rules and even those that exist are by and large negotiable.  We love that adventure… movie-level adventure…  is literally just outside our neighborhood.    The people, when they are not driving, are incredibly warm and open and kind.  I’ve never seen such hard workers who take pride in whatever they’re doing (take notes, Turks).  It’s been an honor and a pleasure.

We’re leaving behind close friends.  You guys know about Yannet.  She helped us raise our babies.  I’m certain we’ll stay in touch and bring the kids back to see her one day.  We’re also leaving behind Christy, Jason (he popped into one of the live Facebook feeds awhile back), Carmen, Max and Dakota.  These are people that will be a part of our lives until the end.  Scott and I don’t make friends easily.  Sure sure… you’re shaking your head and saying that’s not true.  But if you’re reading this, you’re already on the VIP list so you can’t say that.  Anyhow, we’re going to miss having easy access to them – dinners and hanging out and talking shop and most of all the laughing.

I’m also dealing with missing work.  I know that sounds nutty, but I’ve always considered my job my first love (meaning it came first, not that it’s currently my top priority).  When I was hired I named my job Charlie.  I know – who gives a job a name?  Me. I’m weird.  Anyway, Charlie and I go way back and we’ve had a really good run.  So the thought of leaving it, be it for a year or forever, is oddly sad in the pit of my stomach.  I’m about to be your average full-time Mom.  I welcome the change, I want the change and I’m going to learn to be the best stay-at-home mom I can be.  That doesn’t mean the change is easy and there aren’t some things I need to let go of as it happens.

Anyway – 1 week left to enjoy our current home and all the best parts of it.  We’ll certainly miss you.  Viva Colombia.

The Memories, VIVA COLOMBIA !!!!!


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Categories: Places